I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Back where I belong
In the cradle of birds’ song
Amongst insects creepy, yet beauty striped
I lay on my porch reminded of life
The sun is brilliant, acceptably stern
nature is accommodating, I tend to learn
There are smiles in the world where money is not,
what I thought it was worth; or for what I had fought
Thank you for kindness, thank you for joy
thank you for the little things that took me a while
to realise their worth and pass them on in time
I brim with enough for the road and a ride.
Written by Calvin while staying in a wooden shack designed much like a boat house but built on the principles and experience of tree house builders; soon after completing a bicycle journey from Delhi to Tamil Nadu over two months without any phones and money.
Sonia`s garden embodies closure to an arduous yet humbling journey while remiscing lessons learnt from recent experiences and an affinity to living amongst the gifts of nature and gratefulness towards its caretakers.